Introduced in 1813, to commemorate the outstanding victories of the Napoleonic wars and the War of 1812. This medal was awarded to Officers commanding regiments and battalions. This medal is gold plated and will be engraved with the battle of your choice.
Qualifying battles were: Roleria 1808; Vimiera 1808; Sahagun, Benevente 1808-9; Corunna 1809; Martinique 1809; Talavera 1809; Guadaloupe 1810; Busaco 1810; Barrosa 1811; Fuentes d'Onor 1811; Albuhera 1811; Java 1811; Ciudad Rodrigo 1812; Badajoz 1812; Salamanca 1812; Fort Detroit 1812; Vittoria 1813; Pyrenees 1813; St. Sebastian 1813; Chateauguay 1813; Nivelle 1813; Chrystler's Farm 1813; Nive 183; Orthes 1814; and Toulouse 1814.
Price includes engraving.
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