Well before tea bags or tea balls were invented, tea was made by casting loose tea leaves into a pot of boiling water and letting them steep. The advantage to this method is that you get a wonderful, full flavour to your tea — the disadvantage is that the loose tea leaves would regularly float out into the teacups as the tea was poured. To counteract this, tea strainers such as this one were developed.
Made in the form of a Scottish quaich (cup of friendship), this strainer is designed to perch on top of your teacup so you can pour your tea right through it when filling your cup. It measures approximately 12 cm x 6 cm x 2 cm (4 3/4″ x 2 3/8″ x 3/4″) and will effectively capture any rogue tea leaves that are attempting to make their way into your teacup. An essential accessory for any true tea connoisseur and highly recommended for any Scottish tea drinkers you might happen to know!
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